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tv   News 4 Today at 6  NBC  October 31, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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news 4's megan mcgrath just arrived on the scene of a shooting then crash in northeast d.c. megan, good morning. what happened? >> reporter: good morning, eun. yes, this is a shooting, but it looks like a fire scene at the moment. we have firefighters on the scene. they are actually putting out a small blaze that started at the front of the car involved in the shooting incident here. we're in northeast washington, 17th and monroe. police tell us a little after 4:00 a.m. this morning, there was some sort of a shooting in the area. the victim, described just as a male, we don't know if it was a juvenile or adult, was shot and tried to flee the scene by getting in their car and driving away. didn't make it very far. the car left the roadway. he lost control. the vehicle went up onto the sidewalk. it actually hit a retaining wall here right at the intersection of 17th and monroe. the person who was shot has been transported to the hospital. they are in critical condition. investigators are here on the scene trying to piece together exactly what happened collecting physical evidence. while they were doing that,
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that's when a small blaze broke out in the front of the car. one of the investigators here on the scene grabbed the fire extinguisher, tried to put it out using that extinguisher. just couldn't do that. it was a little too much of a fire. fire crews arrived on the scene, and it looks like they have pretty much put it out at this point. in terms of the shooting, who's responsible, what the motive behind it was, is still under investigation. >> megan mcgrath in northeast, thank you. thanks for joining us for "news 4 today." i'm eun yang. >> and i'm joe krebs on this monday, october 31st. happy halloween to everyone out there as we look at the nation's skies over the capitol. 38 degrees. it's cold. >> did you see the ghost to the right of the screen? i saw it? that or it's steam rising from a building. >> probably a ghost. >> yeah, probably. good morning on this halloween morning.
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we are starting off cold. it's down near 30 degrees. and it's going to stay here at or below freezing for another hour or two. we've got high clouds drifting over. right now low to mid-30s. we've had high clouds drifting in south and west this morning. they'll be with us. a little sunshine this morning, but then clouding up as we get into the afternoon hours. sunrise at 7:34. these will be sunsets this time this week. a look at your trick or treat halloween forecast for your evening kt 6:00 or 7:00. danella, good morning? how's traffic? if you're traveling southbound old georgetown road,
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to take the ramp at the outer loop of the beltway, this accident blocks the right-hand side. but you can pass as this car is doing. be aware of that as you make your commute. shooting to 395, this is your delay at duke street. start to go see a little bomb, but no accidents as you make your way towards the 14th street bridge. looking at the 14th street bridge, seeing a bit of congestion as you make your way across. no accidents to report. on the rails, delays on the brunswick east line. train number 874 and 870, delay of ten minutes. and a delay of 12 minutes on train number 872. one person is dead and another in critical condition after a crash in maryland. it happened around 10:30 last night at the intersection of old alexandria ferry road and malcolm road in clinton. police are still trying to figure out how the crash happened. both the people involved were flown to a nearby hospital where one person died a short time
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later. old alexandria ferry road was closed while police looked into the crash. a man accused of killing a nun in a drunk driving accident will appear in court today. carlos martinelli montano is expected to plead guilty to 5 of 6 charges he faces. he will not plead guilty to the charge of felony murder. he was drunk when he crashed into a vehicle carrying three nuns last august in bristow, virginia. sister denise mowsier was killed. the other two were seriously injured. martinelli-montano had twice been convicted of drunk driving and was awaiting deportation at the time of the accident. jurors will return to court in rockville this morning to hear prosecutors' arguments in day four of the lululemon murder trial. brittany norwood is accused of killing her coworker jayna murray back in the bethesda store in march.
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norwood's attorneys say she did kill murray but it was not premeditated. they say she snapped cincinnati m -- in the middle of a heated fight. prosecutors claim she knows exactly what they have doing, and they show what is an elaborate cover-up to prove premeditation. this morning police waking up without power after a rare october snow. parts of new england received about 30 inches compared to r dusting in the d.c. area. the snow weighed down tree limbs causing many to fall on power lines. some say this unusual fall weather could be a precursor of what's to come. >> october and we got snow. >> some utility companies say it could be several days before everyone gets their power back on. herman cain's campaign is denying allegations the republican presidential hopeful was accused of sexual harassment twice while he headed the national restaurant association back in the '90s. politico reports that at least two employees of the restaurant
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group claim that cain harassed them. they were reportedly paid to leave the association and not to talk about what happened. a spokesman for cain calls the accusations unsubstantiated and thinly sourced. today president obama is expected to sign another executive order. it's the latest move aimed at helping the middle class in the president's so-called we can't wait campaign. mr. obama has already signed two such orders. aimed at helping struggling homeowners and students buried in college loans. congress can't stop the orders. the president says these moves are necessary because congress will not do its job. it is one of those records you don't want to set. john beck was sacked nine times, tying a franchise record and contributing to a punishing 23-0 loss at the hands of the buffalo bills. the bills enter the game with just four sacks on the year but had four in the first half to keep beck on his back for most
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of the game. when the offense got a play off, it didn't go far with just 26 yards rushing and 178 yards of total offense. after the game, the players were obviously frustrated. >> you never think you're going to go out and get a goose egg. do you feel like you're going to walk dune the street and fall flat on your face? absolutely not. you feel like you can pick your feet up and handle it. we never go into a game thinking that's going to happen. while it's taking place, we've got to go out there and keep fighting. >> it's head coach mike shanahan's first ever shutout in his 24-year career as a head coach or offensive coordinator in the nfl. he was also never shut out as a college coach. the team struggles on the field led to a heated exchange on the sidelines. london fletcher had to be
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restrained by teammates after he went after safety laron landry. he allowed the bills a touchdown pass to make the score 20-0. landry took responsibility for the touchdown after the game, but fletcher refused to talk about the argument. the eagles seem to be taking flight again and made a big statement with a 34-7 win over the cowboys. michael vick returned to form with 270 yards in the air and 50 on the ground. lesean mccoy had a career night, racking up 185 yards. that is the single best career performance in eagles history. redskins and eagles are tied in the division now with 3-4 records. the giants are 5-2. even though we're tied, we're not going the right direction. >> i want to know what happened to john beck's vaunted mobility. not so much mobility to get away from those sacks. from those sacks. >> not yesterday, that's for
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to war zones. and that can be a problem for a once-thriving tourist destination like dubrovnik,
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croatia, left in disrepair by years of war. luckily, people took notice. they helped dubrovnik rebuild and restructure their five-star hotels, and croatia eventually regained 14% of the nation's gdp; a rebirth made possible by the international business and tourism management programs at rochester institute of technology.
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the surprise you'll see when you go on the internet this morning.
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this is what you see when you'll do a search on google today. the payoff comes 30 seconds into the video when the pumpkins light up to spell out google. i give it to google for all their awesome ways they celebrate different people's birthdays, different events and milestones, and this one does not disappoint. >> that's very cool. let's go to tom kierein taking a look at our forecast for this halloween night. be prepared for a chill country evening. right now around the area, temperatures are cold as we start off this monday morning back to work and school after our snow weekend. right now just near 30 degrees in the suburbs and rural areas. mid-30s in washington and right by the bay. high clouds drifting in. they'll be with us this morning. sunshine should be shining through the high clouds. sunrise 7:34. sunset 6:09. by midafternoon, we'll be in the mid-50s. should be cloudy through much of the afternoon. here's your trick or treat
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forecast for this halloween, this monday evening. we'll have a cloudy sky. it will be chilly. dress warmly, could be in the 40s. sprinkles far south and east of washington, early evening. a look at that, the rest of the week, and the weekend at 6:21. good morning, danella. how's traffic? as you approach branch avenue, reports of an accident here. i'm start to go see delays as you make your way towards branch avenue. i'll be back in ten minutes with an update on this accident. taking the outer loop of the beltway starting to slow down around colesville road. your delays start around new hampshire avenue, so far no accidents to report. taking i-95 at fairfax county parkway, very slow as you make your way towards the beltway. same thing at waples mill road. you're slow all the way to for
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students when they move onto a cruise ship later today. tonight's "rock center" with brian williams starts today. harry smith joins us with a preview. harry, first of all, welcome to the nbc family. >> thank you very much. it's great to be here. >> tell us more about the show and how is it different than what you'd see on any other different kind of news magazine? >> in the first place, we're going to be live every monday night. as i come in with my stories or kate or ted koppel or whomever, brian is going to debrief us. it's going to be totally unscripted. there's not going to be any please ask me this or whatever. he's going to look at the piece as it airs and is going to ask me whatever's on his mind. there's going to be several segments on the show where we'll let brian be brian. if you've ever seen him on letterman or jimmy fallon, you know how funny that is. it's going to be a very different kind of magazine show. >> i'm glad to hear that.
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absolutely. i was hoping we'd see the other side of brian williams. what about the other side of harry? i've done all that already. all those years on morning television. i get to put on my correspondent's hat. we've been at work on this show a couple of months already. i've traveled around the world. this first story is in willison, north dakota, which is one of those amazing places where any able bodied person can go to work and get a job. you can get a job in a day. >> can the rest of the country take a cue from this part of the country? >> well, the advantage that willison, north dakota, has is it's sitting on 20 billion barrels of oil. there's a lot of oil wells to be dug and a lot of infrastructure to be built and housing to be built and everywhere else.
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that's why there's a lot of jobs there. if you have oil where you live, you can take advantage too. >> harry, looking forward to seeing you on the show. and you can catch "rock center" right here on nbc 4. >> start poking around derwood and see if i can find some oil. at some point today, we expect the earth's 7 billionth person to be born. it only took 12 years to add 1 billion more to the population. many countries are celebrating by holding lavish ceremonies for newborn infants. scientists are concerned saying water tables are falling rapidly. happening today, qantas is scrambling to get thousands of passengers to their destination after grounding their entire fleet for two days. the australian airline began flying today again after an
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emergency ruling on sunday by an australian court. qantas survived passengers and its unions when it shut down. jet blue is promising a full refund for passengers forced to sit for hours on planes because of the weekend snowstorm. three jet blue flights were diverted to hartford, connecticut, on saturday because of heavy snow in the new york area. once they landed, passengers said they weren't allowed off for another seven hours. they say the airline ran out of food and water and the toilets stopped working. the department of transportation says it is investigating the incident. the main hall at union station will remain open after being closed. a chunk of plaster fell from the ceiling. they blame the august earthquake. repairs to the ceiling are expected to begin later this week. 240 college students in maryland will have quite the story to tell their children. mold in two dorm buildings at
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st. mary's college forced hundreds of students out, and school officials had to scramble to find a suitable living situation. originally they were living in hotels, but the school decided to rent out a 30-foot cruise ship for the rest of the semester. students will bunk in cabins, and 25 crew members will take care of them while on board. students seemed excited about the move. >> i don't know what the campus can do better than this boat. whoever thought of it deserves a pat on the back. >> it's an ordeal to get the students in. it's less of an ordeal than to have them living in hotels, one as much as 20 miles away. >> it's not all good news. some parents are upset they're paying thousands of dollars for their kids to live on cruise ships. >> whatever floats your boat. >> there you go. you have to come up with something. we've all had those days where we crash at work because of a sleepless night. >> all that tossing and turning is cost you, according to "men's health magazine." the average american employee
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loses 11.3 days of work a year due to insomnia. that amounts to $2,300 a year per person or more than $63 million down the tubes nationwide. what can you do for energy after you have a sleepless night? make sure you're exposed to sunlight. take a 10 to 15-minute walk before work to get the blood flowing. and avoid sugar. >> one thing people don't know is you take walks around the studio during commercial breaks. >> trying to wake the old body up, get the blood flowing. >> meteorologist tom kierein. good morning to you. start off this morning back to work and school. it is cold under a partly cloudy sky. down into the 20s throughout much of virginia and maryland and the eastern shore away from the waters. right near the waters, we're in the mid-30s, as is much of washington. in prince george's, montgomery, arlington, fairfax counties, only the upper 20s to near 30 degrees now. we've had high clouds drifting
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in from the south and west. they'll be with us this morning, but we'll have sunshine through the cloudiness. sunrise at 7:34. we'll have temperatures through noonti noontime near 50. for trick or treaters this evening, it's going to be cloudy and chilly. temperatures should be in the 40s through the evening. far south and east of washington, there may be a few sprinkles that may linger predawn. highs again in the 50s. sunny on wednesday and thursday, up around 60 both afternoons. could get rain friday. the weekend looking delightful and a bit warmer with sunshine back. danella, how's traffic? >> good morning. if you're taking the inner loop of the beltway in prince george's county, have an accident slowing you down. chopper 4 is over the scene live right now. we can see the fire department is on the scene. looks to involve one vehicle in this area. traveling on the inner loop of the beltway, you are very slow.
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we are seeing delays again, bumper to bumper as they pass the accident. on the outer loop of the beltway, emergency workers here just blocking the left side of the roadway for you. again expect delays in this area as you make your way towards the accident. other areas starting to slow down. i'll give you a travel speed right now. making your xwhcommute right no
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shutting down after 42 years in business. take a look at these pictures of an ice cream truck that crashed into a prince george's county home. it happened yesterday afternoon on 66th avenue in landover hills. the home is also an at home daycare center. the driver was taken to the hospital, and luckily no one was home at the time of the crash. >> they gave away free nutty buddies. today is the last day for a popular sightseeing bus/train in d.c. the tourmobile is ending service today. the famous company took tourists around monuments and attractions on open air trams for years. they told "the washington post" that financial problems are the reason behind the shutdown. >> it's sad to see the
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tourmobile going away. >> what a tradition. >> it was. it is now
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♪ ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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d.c., a shooting then back toéo. good morning. welcome back to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs. >> and i'm eun yang. it is monday, october 31st. happy halloween. three schools in jefferson county, west virginia, are closed because they have no power. blue ridge elementally school. wild wood middle school, and jefferson mid high school all closed today. this is a result of a rare outages from an october snowstorm. this left a few inches in d.c. to 30 inches in new england. it caused power outages and a few narrow escapes. >> the tree fell on my house, and it went through the roof and went into the family room. >> if i would have stayed in the car two more seconds, i would be dead today. >> some utility companies say it could be up to a week before they can restore power to all of their customers. >> folks are really hard hit out there. that's going to be a tough week
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for them. >> unbelievable. they were paralyzed by that storm, and it's going to take a long time to recover from that. such an unusual storm. 32 years since a major storm like that hit there as well as here. we had that snow measurably, just north and west of washington on saturday. here this morning we are cold and icy storms on the washington skyline. >> right now. 36 at reagan national. we've got a calm wind. work and school after our snowy weekend. right now upper 20s to near 30 in montgomery, arlington, fairfax, prince george's counties, and throughout much of west virginia, virginia and maryland, eastern shore. right near the bay, it's a bit above freezing. we will have a high cloud cover coming in from time to time this morning. we ought to have sunshine through those high clouds.
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sunrise still more than an hour away. we'll have our temperatures by 9:00 near 40. then near 50 by noontime. mid-50s during the afternoon. a lot of cloudiness. sunset at 6:09. your trick or treat forecast coming up in ten minutes. danella, how's traffic? >> good morning. breaking news right now. traveling the inner loop of the beltway as you approach branch avenue. chopper 4 is over the scene right now. we have an accident taking up the left side of the roadway for you. right now you have to stick to the right to get around. you are starting to see some delays, in fact, big delays bumper to bumper as you make your way from route 4 approaching branch avenue, route 5. fire is on the scene. police are there as well. stick to the right to get around this. also seeing big delays, i-66. here's the view at waples mill. you're jammed as you make your way inside the beltway. the good news on i-66, not seeing any accidents, just
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delays. and i-95 at fairfax county parkw parkway, you are parkway, you are make your way towards 395. breaking news, a fiery crash after a shooting in northeast washington. this was the scene just minutes ago after a shooting victim crashed into a wall while trying to drive himself to the hospital. news 4's megan mcgrath is live on the scene at 17th and monroe streets in northeast. megan, good morning. >> good morning this all began a little after 4:00 this morning with a shooting at monroe street in northwest washington. the person who was shot then jumped into their car and tried to get away from the scene. they did not make it very far. right here at the intersection of 17th and monroe, that's where the car left the roadway, went up onto the sidewalk, and actually hit a stone retaining wall and fence right here at a house on the corner. a little while later, after the person inside that vehicle was transported, there was a car fire. the actual front end of that
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vehicle caught on fire. they tried to put it out on the sceneextinguisher. it was a little too much for that, so they called the fire department, who came and put out the flames. in terms of the shooting, who prompted it, who's responsible, all of that still under investigation. no word on any arrests. as for the person who was shot and drove from the scene, they are considered to be stable at this point. the investigation, still ongoing. back to you, eun. >> megan mcgrath live in northeast. thanks for that update. today the trial of an illegal immigrant accused of killing a nun in a drunk driving accident will take place today. carlos martinelli montano is expected to plead guilty to 5 of 6 charges. he will not plead guilty to the charge of felony murder. he was drunk when he crashed into a vehicle containing three
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nuns in bristow, virginia. sister denise mosley was killed. the other two sisters were injured. martinelli montano was awaiting a deportation hearing prior to the accident. that stemmed from two previous dui convictions. the trial of brittany norwood resumes today. norwood is accused of killing her coworker jayna murray in the bethesda yoga shop back in march. norwood's attorneys admit she committed the crime but claim she snapped during a heated fight. prosecutors contend norwood knew what she was doing and used graphic photographs and detail what seem to be an elaborate cover-up to prove the murder was premeditated. for the first time we're hearing from the family of a little boy lost for days in the virginia wilderness. robbie wood spent nearly a week in the woods near richmond. angie goff joins us with more from the news room. >> good morning, joe. robbie wood could come home tonight. the little boy is reportedly doing well at medical center in maryland where he's still
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undergoing tests. the grandmother admits at one point she had lost all hope. >> the wind was blowing so hard. it was drizzling. it was cold. if you had been there, you'd have known. i knew god he couldn't make it one more night, not one more night. >> feelings of despair plagued norma jean williams during the five cold nights her grandson spent in the woods. the 8-year-old disappeared one week ago in the north anna battlefield park in hanover county. there were challenges. tough weather, and robbie, who is autistic, doesn't speak. 6,000 volunteers combed the park, and friday afternoon robbie was found in fetal position near a rock quarry close to the park. >> there were so many people there. there were search and rescue teams going in, the dogs were going in, and the deputies were going in. it was just so many people out looking for him. >> williams wants to thank the guy who found robbie but doesn't know who that man is of the man
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wants to remain anonymous. however, she didn't have nice words for everyone. williams said she was still angry with robbie's father for letting her grand baby slip away. back to you. >> thanks very much, an jichlt police in spotsylvania county will be stepping up patrols this halloween night as they investigate a series of abductions in and around the county. there have been four incidents this month, three in spotsylvania and another in neighboring stafford county. the latest happened on innisbrook circle near spotsylvania town center. police are looking into whether any of
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[ boy's voice ] hi, samantha. [ girl's voice ] hi todd, do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now.
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ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway steak melt. like the steak & cheese -- layers of juicy steak and bubbly, melted cheese. subway. eat fresh. when you hit theakrrow.
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welcome back at 6:40. you can head to fair oaks mall in fairfax county for one of the biggest halloween events tonight. it is hosting mall-o-ween is expecting thousands of people. the event runs from 6:00 to 8:00 tonight, and it's free. >> let's head out and see where things look scary. there are a couple of ghosts on the horizon, tall ghosts too. let's see what he can tell us about the weather. >> it's not snow thankfully. that would be scary. good morning. we are off to a dry start. time for weather and traffic op the ones at 6:41. i'm meteorologist tom kierein. it's cold, though. we are down into the upper 20s and low 30s throughout most of the region. 36 at reagan national. mid-30s right by the way. layer up this morning as you head off to work and school. over the last few hours, we've had just a few high clouds drifting in from the southwest. they'll be with us for the morning hours. sunrise not until 7:34. by 9:00 around 40. we'll have a cloudy afternoon to follow with temperatures into the mid-50s. here's the forecast for trick or
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treating this monday evening. sunset at 6:09. getting dark quickly. cloudy and chilly. might even be a few sprinkles far south and east of washington. dress warmly. we'll be in the 40s through the evening. a warmup on the way for the rest of the week. we'll look at that and the weekend in ten minutes. danella, how's the monday commute? >> good morning. the accident inner loop of the beltway at branch avenue, got to stick to the right to get around it. you are seeing delays as you approach pennsylvania avenue traveling the inner loop of the beltway. another accident. i'm going to step in and show you this. this is from kenneth. he tweeted it to me. traveling 66 east on the left side of the roadway, after you pass route 234, you're going to see an accident here. your lanes are open on i-66, but your delays continue all the way to the beltway. speaking of the beltway, taking the beltway in montgomery county, outer loop very slow. delays start at new hampshire avenue. travel speed as you make your commute, 30 miles per hour. now back to you what is in 90%
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homes that will go up in price 40% today. good morning and welcome back. presidential hopeful her man cain will be in virginia today
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talking at the national enterprise institute at the american press club. cain campaign is denying allegations he was accused of sexual harassment twice while head of the restaurant association. two employees of the group claim he harassed them. they were paid to leave the association and not allowed to discuss what happened. a spokesman for the cain campaign calls the allegations unsubstantiated and thinly sourced. a new report on the d.c. mayoral hiring scandal is due out today. the congressional probe shows sulaimon brown received money from mayor vincent gray's campaign. "the washington post" got a preview from the house committee on oversight in government reform. brown claims he was promised a city job by gray's campaign if he made campaign attacks against then mayor adrian fenty. according to the report, the investigation found only circumstantial evidence that brown was promised a job. the committee reviewed cell phone records, e-mails, and even money orders between brown and
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mayor gray's campaign staff. d.c. council member michael brown says he plans on laying out what he calls a very aggressive campaign to make the nation's capital a state. brown's strategy includes asking state and local governments across the country to pass ceremonial resolutions supporting statehood for the district. statehood advocates say it's important to build nationwide support for their cause. beginning tomorrow tolls for the baltimore tunnels go up by a dollar. the toll on the bay bridge is up by $1.50, from $2.50 to $4 now. the biggest jump is the fine for passing through a toll plaza without paying. that goes from $3 to $15. 6:47 now. wall street is looking to wrap up its strongest month in years. cnbc's brian schactman joins us live with a look at how the market are shaping up this morning. brian, good morning. >> good morning. i'll put you through the context, but right now futures
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are lower as we wrap up october. up 3.5% on the dow last week, up 12% for the month. on track for the biggest monthly percentage gain since 1987 and the best point gain ever. asian markets fell overnight. europe tracking lower in early trading. investors have a very busy week in terms of what they're going to see numbers on the manufacturing and services sector, auto sales, a two-day fed meeting, and it's all topped off by friday's jobs report. the dow up by 22 on friday. the nasdaq slipped a point to 2737. choosey moms will soon have little choice but to spend more on jif. the hot dry summer spent peanut butter prices sky rocketing. smuckers, which makes jif, raising priced 30%. peter pan has seen a 24% increase. and kraft which launched the mr. peanut brand raised prices by
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40%. if you're like my house, we rip dlu quite a bit of peanut butter. that's going to impact a lost househol households. >> we go through peanut butter like water >> we go through peanut butter like butter. >> thanks, brian. have a great day. not a good football team when your quarterback spends much of his time on the ground, and that's exactly where john beck found himself yesterday against the bills. beck was sacked nine times in the 23-0 loss, and that tied a franchise record. when he did get up to make a play, it was just 26 yards rushing and 178 yards of total offense. head coach mike shanahan says he is disappointed with the effort. >> it just doesn't translate on the field, man, on sundays. that's the frustrating part. like i know what type of character guys we got on this team. it's frustrating we just can't get a win.
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>> it was shanahan's first ever shutout in his 24-year career as a head coach or offensive coordinator in the nfl. >> the team struggles on the field spilled over on the sidelines where tempers flared in the third quarter. linebacker london fletcher had to be restrained by his teammates as he went after safety laron landry. fletcher was frustrated that landry made a big mistake allowing the bills a wide open touchdown pass. landry took responsibility for the bills touchdown after the game, but fletcher refused to talk about it. everyone is upset. >> everyone is going to be talking for quite a while after yesterday's debacle. >> now what? let's go to the forecast. maybe that will cheer us up. after our oct-snowber weekend, we dried out. only about an inch in district of columbia. farther north an inch to four inches farther north and west. shenandoah valley, blue ridge, out in the mountains, as much as a foot fell. much higher amounts paralyzed
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new england, which is where we're going right now. paul goodlow joins us from the weather channel. he's in connecticut. paul, they got walloped there, didn't they? >> reporter: we sure did. 12.4 inches fell in hartford. that set a record for the day, the month, and actually beat the first time we've had a foot of snow. the old record for the first snow in it hartford, first foot of snow, was basically early december. we beat that by 38 days. take a look at what happened behind me because of that snow. nothing but as far as you can see trees down. also this power line draped over half of the roadway here. basically it's just a one lane road, this normal residential street, and you can see one thing with the trees, you still see a lot of leaves here. we're just now getting into the cold time of year. the leaves are barely turning color. you have a full canopy of leaves. heavy weight on top of that. that's bringing down the branches on top of the power
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lines. right now this entire neighborhood is without power. in fact, on average here in connecticut, we're talking 750,000 homes without power. put that in terms of percentages, 6 out of every 10 homes here in connecticut are in the dark and also a lot in the cold as well, relying on electricity to pump that warmer air throughout their house. crews here are talking a couple of days to maybe a week without power. that's definitely not something i want to hear on this halloween night. tom? >> thanks a lot, paul. a crippling storm for new england, in fact, many areas there. there are 3 million without power. farther north into massachusetts, new hampshire, vermont, and maine. here in washington, we're at 36 now. we've got a calm wind. we have a few high clouds that are drifting over on this halloween morning. it's cold. dress warmly this morning. we're down into the upper 20s to just near 30 degrees throughout most of the region. mid-30s in washington and right by the bay. we have some high clouds drifting in from the southwest. they'll be with us off and on
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this morning. we'll have sun shy through the high clouds. sunrise not until 7:34. a cloudy afternoon. we should make it into the mid-50s. sunset at 6:09. then the trick or treaters will be out. watch out for ghosts and goblins. under a cloud county sky. it will be cloudy and chilly. be careful. a few sprinkles moving in after midnight tonight and be here around dawn tomorrow. after that, drying out. highs mid-50s. sunny wednesday and thursday and a bit milder. morning lows near 40. afternoon highs near 60. could get showers on friday. a nice weekend to follow a sunny saturday and sunday with highs around 60 or so. danella, good morning. how's the commute? >> good morning. >> traveling the inner loop of the beltway in prince george's county, still have the accident at branch avenue. your delays start prior to route 4. chopper 4 is over the scene. it's taking over the left side of the roadway. look at these delays. you are bumper to bumper.
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give yourself extra time and take a deep breath. also, still seeing the accident 66 east, right here on the left side of the roadway after you pass route 234. that's where you're going to see this accident. and your delays actually continue all the way to the beltway traveling east on 66. and 95 at fairfax county parkway, still very slow as you make your way towards the beltway. today news continuing onto 395, in accidents in the roadway for you. now back to you both. >> danella, thanks so much. drivers will likely have to walk a bit to get to driveway ins georgetown. parking restrictions start this afternoon on "k" and "m" streets and along wisconsin avenue. those streets will reopen at 6:00 tomorrow morning. many side streets will close to traffic at 6:30 tonight and reopen at 3:00 a.m. we have breaking news right now at 6:54. a wild scene in northeast d.c. that started as a shooting, and then the victim crashed into a wall, and it burst into flames. news 4's megan mcgrath is live
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on the scene at 17th and monroe streets northwest. megan, what happened? >> reporter: this began to unfold a little after 4:00 this morning. that's when there was a shooting on 17th street in northeast washington. the victim, the person who was shot, actually jumped into their car and tried to flee from the scene. they didn't get very far, only to 17th and monroe. that's when the driver lost control of the vehicle. the driver went up onto the sidewalk and hit a stone retaining wall that surrounds a house right there on the corner. police were brought to the scene. that person who was shot was taken to the hospital in critical condition. we're told, though, that he has since stabilized. he is alive. as police were investigating here on the scene collecting physical evidence and the like, that's when unexpectedly the car burst into flames. they tried to use a fire extinguisher here on the scene to put out the fire. it was a little too much. they did have to call the fire department.
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they arrived, pulled out the hoses, and were able to extinguish the flames. no property damage or anything like that. it just involved the car. shooting still under investigation. >> megan, thanks so much. 6:56 is the time. taking a look at the morning's top stories. an illegal immigrant charged with killing a nun in northwest county is set to go on trial. carlos martinelli montano is set to plead guilty to a5 of the 6 charges against him. an attempt to restore power to nearly 3 million people after the weekend's snowstorm, mostly in the northeast. it could be several days before all the customers get electricity restored. at some point today, the world is expected to welcome the 7 billionth person to the planet earth. many countries are celebrating the milestone. the scientists worry the impact our growing population will have on the earth's natural resources. >> out the door forecast with
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tom. a cold start this morning. down in the 20s to around 30. later in the day, mid-50s with thickening clouds. and a cloudy evening. should be dry for trick or treaters here. southern maryland, northern neck, eastern shore, maybe a few sprinkles for trick or treaters. those may move into the metro area predawn tuesday. dry after that and warming up [ female announcer ] having grands! biscuits in the morning is easy. just pop 'em in... then go about your business... and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits.
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grands! warm ideas made easy. ♪ start your morning a whole new way! ♪ ♪ pillsbury grands! biscuits ♪ filled with breakfast ingredients ♪ ♪ ready in minutes! ♪ you gotta taste...mmmm a brand new morning ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury grands! biscuit sandwiches.
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